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作者:牛台词 时间:2020-10-21 23:20:29 阅读:()





We are taught to remember thought, not man, because man may fail, he may be arrested, he may be killed, forgotten, but after 400 years, thought can still change the world. I have witnessed the power of thought, I have seen people kill in its name, or give their lives to defend it, but you can't kiss it, you can't touch it or hold it, it doesn't bleed, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't love.
Innumerable evil natures are gathered in his body, not to the joy and anger of fate, waving his bloody sword.
People often use sincere appearance and pious behavior to cover up a devil like heart.
Identity is just a form of essence, and my essence is a masked man. What you can see is a humble old juggler. He drifts with the tide in the ups and downs of his fate, playing the dual roles of victim and perpetrator. This face is not only a vanity appearance, but also the residual voice of the people's voice. However, he is still energetic and determined to eradicate those corrupt and degenerate poisonous insects, who are doing evil They represent the wanton destruction of free will, and only revenge is judged against them. This blood feud symbolizing hope will not be in vain, because its value and correctness will one day prove that those noble and alert people are right.
Good morning, London. Like many of you, I appreciate the comfort of a regular life, the security of being familiar with faces, and the peace of day after day. I enjoy it as much as anyone else. Although silence replaces speech, speech can always maintain its power. It can tell those who are willing to listen to the truth. The truth is that there are some things in this country that are not normal and terrible, right? Cruelty, injustice, discrimination and repression. In this land, you once had the freedom to oppose, the freedom to think and speak, and what you now have is to coerce you How did this happen? Who is to blame? Of course, some people have greater responsibility than others, and they will pay for it. But then again, if you want to find the culprit, just look in the mirror. I know why you did that. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't? War, terror, disease, there have been countless problems trying to destroy your reason and deprive you of your common sense. Fear has controlled you. In a panic, you have turned to Mr. F. Adam. Sutler, he promised you order, he promised you peace, in return for your obedience and silence. So if you don't see anything and you still know nothing about the crimes committed by this government, I suggest that you let this November 5th pass. But if you see what I see, if you feel what I feel, and you are willing to look for what I am looking for
People should not be afraid of their politics. Governments should be afraid of their people.
There is no certainty, only possibility. There is no coincidence in the world, only the illusion of coincidence.
In this way, I stole some fragments from the Bible to cover up my naked crime. He pretends to be a saint on the surface, but a devil's heart in the dark.
Our dignity is not worth much money, but it is the only thing we really have, the last inch of our territory, but in that inch of territory, we are free.
I will die here, every inch of my skin will rot, except An inch, this inch, it is so small, so fragile, but it is the only thing worth having in the world. We can never lose it or give it up, we can never let others take it away.
But what I hope most is that you can understand my following words. Although I don't know you, I have never seen you, never laughed and sad together, and never kissed your face, I still want to tell you that I love you and I love you with all my heart.
That's right! At the beginning, I thought it was hatred. Only hatred was in my eyes. It was the cornerstone of my world and my cage. It supported me to eat, sleep and breathe. I thought that when I died, my blood vessels would be filled with hatred.
God is in the rain.
Under this mask is not only the body, but also the mind, which is not afraid of bullets.
I didn't believe I could love again. That's the best thing you can give me.