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作者:牛台词 时间:2020-10-27 15:04:35 阅读:()





When you don’t take “no” for an answer, there is still a chance you’ll get what you want.
He didn’t turn back. It’s as if he boarded a very long train headed for a drowsy future through the unfathomable night. 
Take care. Maybe one day you’ll escape your past. If you do, look for me.
In love you can’t bring on a substitute.
5.爱情是有时间性的,遇见的太早或太晚都不行 .
Love is all a matter of timing.It’s no good meeting the right person too soon or too late.
6.她对你没有反应未必是因为它反映迟钝,也许是因为她对你没有感觉 .
Maybe the reason she didn’t answer was not that her reactions were delayed but simply that she didn’t love me.
If you have a secret, go deep into the mountain and dig a hole in the tree, and then tell the secret in your heart into the hole, so that the secret will not be known.
There's a joke that says 0 in Arabic numeral meets 8, and 0 says to 8, do you think I can't recognize you by binding your waist with a belt? After leaving Hong Kong for a few years, I really think she has changed from 0 to 8! So, I always try to untie the belt in the middle of 8
Sometimes I feel that the world really becomes very funny. In the past, I only wanted to write novels for one person. Now I write novels to prevent myself from starving and show them to all boring people. In the past, two people with desire and passion tried to avoid each other, but now two people who have no desire and no passion try to get close to each other Maybe, only wine can rekindle my passion. Wine is a good thing!
I went to Cambodia again. When I got there, I found that everything there had changed. The temple where I kept my secret no longer existed. It was said that the fire of war had mistakenly bombed the place
There is a big tree. There is a small bar beside the big tree. Yes, the bar is called flower time. The waiter is Xiao Li. She has dyed red hair, high nose and big eyes. She always lies on the window to watch the birds stop on the tree There used to be a big tree here. I remember there were trees in the city at that time. Now There seems to be no word for this plant. Moreover, I remember that there was a kind of thing called love in the world at that time. Now it seems that there is no such word
Because of the needs of my career, I'm used to waiting. However, I have never tried to wait for a person to wait heartache feeling! I've never tried to spend dollars in centimeters instead of face value. In just two hours, the price of a glass of beer has risen from one centimeter to three centimeters. I have drunk slowly enough, but I still feel that I drink too fast, because my friend has not appeared, I don't know how long I have to wait for him! I began to imagine that I was a very small ant, because, with the speed of small ants drinking, a glass of beer must be able to drink for a long time
I finally learned that he turned out to be a postman. What's more, I also know that the "letter" I never cared about will soon disappear in this world. As I said, people will always find a variety of ways to communicate. If there is no letter, the government will cancel the post office, and there will be no postman in the world. Therefore, the identity of this postman, like the US dollar in my box, will soon be expired. He told me that he was going to try his luck in a place where the policy would remain unchanged
I tried to dream another dream, but I failed. I finally realized that my dream only belongs to the person who left! I also found that it is a painful thing to have a dream!
That day, he asked me if I would like to go with him if he bought an extra ticket. I refused. In fact, how much I want to go with him, but I don't know why, the chip in my brain gave me the order to refuse